you Need a Permit to Operate your Business in Hillsborough County

Did you know?

To operate a business in Hillsborough County you must obtain a permit called a Business Tax Receipt. This includes businesses that provide merchandise or services to the public, even if you’re a one-person company or your company is a home-based business. If you are a food-based business or any other business that requires a license to operate (ex. food truck license, catering license, etc.), you will need to show proof of license before you are issued a Business Tax Receipt.

You will need to renew your Business Tax Receipt before September 30th of each year. You can renew it anytime on or after July 1st.

On October 1st, business tax receipts are delinquent, and you will be penalized.

If you receive a renewal notice and are no longer in business or your business is no longer located in Hillsborough County, indicate that information on the renewal notice, then sign and return the renewal notice in the envelope provided or you may cancel your business tax receipt

Contact us at AMEDAD Consulting if you need assistance. We’re here to help you understand your obligations as a business owner.


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